
WP Sheet Editor Taxonomy Terms Pro GPL v1.7.15

WP Sheet Editor Taxonomy Terms Pro GPL – A Spreadsheet created especially for all Taxonomies. In WordPress, we use taxonomies for grouping posts.

  • Unlimited Website Usage – Personal & Clients
  • Original GPL Product From the Developer
  • Last Updated – 26th July 2024 @ 6.21 PM
  • Developer Live Preview


Total: 199.00
Availability: In Stock

WP Sheet Editor Taxonomy Terms Pro GPL

In WordPress, we use taxonomies for grouping posts. For example:

– The blog posts have categories and tags

– WooCommerce products have product categories, tags, and global attributes (color, sizes, etc.).

– Events have categories, event types, organizers, etc.

A Spreadsheet created especially for all Taxonomies

WordPress has a page for editing categories, tags, attributes, event categories, portfolio categories, and all taxonomies. But it’s very limited 🙂

You need to create every category one at a time and edit every category to add a description, images, and more information.

The searches are very limited. You can find categories by name only. You end up opening a lot of pages, making a lot of clicks, waste a lot of time.

Finding categories with empty descriptions or categories without images is almost impossible in the WordPress interface.

Advanced search for Categories

You can search by multiple fields and using multiple conditions.

For example, find all categories with empty descriptions.
Find categories without images, etc.
Find categories by keyword, parent category, custom fields, SEO title and description, and more

Edit thousands of product attributes at once

We have a formulas engine that lets you update a lot of product categories, tags, and attributes quickly. You can do powerful updates.

You can replace values in ANY field = Replace category names, words in descriptions, parent categories, images, etc.

Add a description or upload an image to hundreds of categories at once. Move hundreds of categories from one parent category to another.


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